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SuperSlow Zone - Northville 248-880-4576
We are open - for the safest workouts - call for details
SuperSlow Zone - Northville 248-880-4576
We are open - for the safest workouts - call for details
Information and the stringent, increased sanitation for Covid-19 controls
Information and the stringent, increased sanitation for Covid-19 controls
Clients: I ask each client that
- if you have a fever, cough, or are sneezing, you not attend.
- temperatures will be scanned once you come in; anyone with a temperature >99 degrees will be asked to return home.
- wash their hands in the restroom upon arrival and/or use sanitizer when they arrive.
- For those of you using cloth gloves, as opposed to disposable ones, we will ask you to carry them on your person rather than leave them at the studio.
- arrive wearing a mask (please bring your own; if you cannot, you may use a disposable masks provided at the studio).
- NOT to bring others in with you when you are working out.
- read and sign the Client Sign-In Sheet prior to your workout.
- wash hands and/or use hand sanitizer after workout
Instructor: I will
- will wash hands often
- will use a mask
- continue to clean all equipment and touch points between each client.
- The normally high level of cleanliness around the studio and working areas, are getting extra attention. We use cleaners that exceed the required standards for disinfecting areas for COVID-19.
- We have increased the air turnover in the facility and utilize antimicrobial filters to reduce any particles. In addition, I added an air filtration system with HEPA & carbon filters plus a plasma wave ionizer..
- I will continue to wipe down each machine with disinfectant after each workout.
- Special trash cans will be used for glove disposal.
- Scheduling
- Because the cleaning processes will require more time post-workout,
- · You MAY not be able to have your former day/time option I will do my best to keep regular times for people that need it!
- · If you arrive late, your workout can/will be reduced if necessary to provide time to disinfect prior to the next client.
- · If you arrive too early, I ask that you wait in your car until your appointed schedule time to reduce distancing issues with other clientele and/or others in the lobby area
- The structure of the programs (one-on-one) and the very low number of people in our facility at any time allows for sufficient spacing throughout the short time that you are present. When other restrictions are lifted, we know we are positioned to easily support the requirements for all existing/future clients.
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